Monday, November 17, 2008

Rivalry Week

“I don't talk trash, I talk smack. They're totally different. Trash talk is hypothetical, like: Your mom is so fat she can eat the internet. But smack talk is happening like right now. Like: You're ugly and I know it for a fact 'cause I got the evidence right there.” --Kelly Kapuur

As for me, I talk both.

Trash/smack talk is one of the things that makes Rivalry Week so much fun. Bernell, one of our former bishops, is a Ute fan – as red-blooded as they come. He’s somewhere in his late fifties/early sixties. He is usually a quiet, soft-spoken guy, but when it comes to his Utes, he holds nothing back. In priesthood opening exercises, a BYU fan in our ward came and sat by him and commented, “Well, it should be a pretty fun football game next Saturday, eh Bernell?” Bernell’s reply cracked me up. “Well, it’ll be fun for us, ‘cause we’re gonna woop ‘em!”

And so it begins.

I don’t usually make any predictions when it comes to this game. Partly because it tends to be completely unpredictable, and partly because I know that someone (…probably lots of someone’s) will come along and rub it in my face if I’m wrong. But then, wouldn’t I do the same? Of course I would!!! Nevertheless, I have decided to stick my neck out and predict the outcome of this game. My prediction is that it will not come down to a last second miracle play as it has the last two years. Utah will lead going into the 4th quarter, and hang on for a victory.

Utah 30, BYU 21

There, I said it. I could be way off, but that’s my gut feeling. You’ll probably hear more from me this week, since Saturday’s game is pretty much all I can think about.

GO UTES!! Bust the BCS (again)!!!

What are your predictions??


mary plus vince said...

I agree. I don't like to predict this games outcome either... mostly because those dang BYU people are so annoying when they rub that in. The last 2 years have not been fun in that department.

But I agree that it won't come down to the last few minutes. No BYU miracle plays this year please.

Ah, this week will be crazy!

mary plus vince said...

oh, and ps. i love that quote from kelly! so freakin' hilarious!!

RCH said...


And yeah, I was going to say that too: That Kelly Kapuur quote is one of my all-time favorite Office quotes ever. :-)