Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why don't I like BYU?

Let me just preface this with a disclaimer. I have some good friends who are BYU fans, and we tend to get along just fine (although when one of them picked a fight with my fanatic U-Grad uncle, he got more than he bargained for). I know some really good people who graduated from BYU. Unfortunately, these friends of mine represent a small minority of BYU fans -- those who are not total idiots.

I was having a... discussion... with a co-worker yesterday who is a pretty outspoken BYU fan, and he said to me, "Just answer me this: Why is it that Utah fans just hate BYU so much?" (as if the opposite weren't equally true...) Well, I had to really think my answer through. I didn't want to be rude, or offend my friend. So instead of really answering truthfully, I just kind of side-stepped the question with, "It's just part of being a Ute."

His question got me thinking though. Why do I hate those guys? I'm not entirely sure how much storage space Blogger allows it's users, so I'll just summarize. Here's the top-ten:
  • 10 -- It really is just inherent to being a Ute Fan
  • 9 -- Having suffered through the majority of the Lavell "Bitter-Beer Face" Edwards era
  • 8 -- The term "The Lord's University". Ridiculous, considering the fact that the better part of general authorities over the years have been products of the U of U. FYI, the Lord wears RED.
  • 7 -- The term "The Lord's Team". Even more ridiculous. I can't even express how stupid I think that is.
  • 6 -- STILL having to hear about the 1984 National Championship. Fine. You won. TWENTY-FOUR YEARS AGO!!! Get over it!! You don't still hear Ute fans talk about beating you guys 20 years in a row from 1922-1942, do you?
  • 5 -- BYU fans + media down-playing the rivalry game. They start saying that BYU doesn't care any more about this game than every other game of the season, and that Ute fans are much more invested in that game. This is the new trend. Actually, it becomes trendy every time BYU isn't favored to win. See here for a blatant example. (as I side note, I can't stand the Deseret News)
  • 4 -- The phrases "4th and 18" and "Harline is still open in the endzone!" Both were bad enough when they actually happened -- I'd rather not hear about it from every other BYU fan I see.
  • 3 -- Austin Collie. Not only is he arrogant, self-righteous, and a bone-head, but he also just makes the Church look bad by bringing insisting on bringing religion into football. I sure hope the rest of the country doesn't base their opinions of the Church on Austin Collie's shining example. I would love to see the Cougars lose on Saturday 100% because of something he did. Tip a pass to one of our corners, fumble the ball after a catch, etc. So much for "living right" if that happens. :)
  • 2 -- "The Quest". Great job, Bronco. I know I know, "The Quest was never about an undefeated season". And if you had half a brain it would get lonely. Of course this was how it was going to be seen by EVERYONE ELSE! Too bad it didn't quite work out.
  • 1 -- Self-righteous, holier than thou, obnoxious, cocky fans/players/coaches/students. See here, here, here, and here. This guy represents what the majority of BYU fans are like. What's not to hate?

As Saturday aproaches, my anxiety grows. I really do feel confident in my prediction, but I always get pre-game anxiety, and when it's the rivalry game, that starts about a week early. I can't wait!!



Unknown said...

i 100% agree with your top ten. all very valid points. that D.N. article just makes me so irratated, too!

i still think we will win, but i am starting to feel the anxiety of it all too. and that doesn't usually happen to me in regards to sports so much (with the exception of the TCU game & NBA playoff games...). this game is just so important... and the last 2 years they have had those dang "miracle" plays. i can't handle the stress!

RCH said...

I second (third?) your entire post, but for me it goes beyond sports. I had the misfortune of attending the Y (the WHY????) for a year -- worst mistake of my life! The professors, the students, my roommates -- my roommates who (except for one, ironically inactive at the time though she's come around now) were perfect Mollies to everyone else, but were cruel to my face and stole from me.... The Lord's University? WHATEVER. They use His money; that's it. It's a freaking den of vipers. (Not that I'm bitter or anything, lol.)

OOooooh, now I'm all riled up. Thanks. I hope the Utes KICK THEIR TRASH!! :-)

Eliza said...


Deano said...

Me thinkest thou protestest too much.

Darren said...

Well done...