Thursday, May 7, 2009

Derek Fisher belongs with the Lakers...

So, I have to say that I really liked Fisher last year. He was a definite leader on the team, and he made big plays at big moments. Then he used his daughter's disease to play on Larry H. Miller's sympathies. He got released from his contract in order to be closer to his daughter's physicians (located in New York... I guess someone failed geography.) Ever since, I have realized he's shady. He is a big-time actor, and he flops a lot. He's an all out punk. And for anyone who wants to say, "No, come on! Derek Fisher is a class act!", I submit the following:

You can see that Fisher knows the screen is coming. He keeps looking over his shoulder waiting for Scola. When he sees him coming, he preps himself, turns, and with all his strength he blasts Scola. It was a straight up dirty play, and 100% intentional. He was ejected from the game. Here is Fisher's explanation of what happened:

Nice try Derek, but ANYONE can see that it's a load of bull. You are lame, and if anyone needed proof you're a crooked liar, now they've got it. Case closed.


Eliza said...

It seems like whenever the Jazz play against Derek Fisher the commentators always have to go into the fact that he left to be closer to his daughter's doctors and how the Utah Jazz fans still give Fisher crap about it... but what the commentators fail to mention is the tiny bit about the doctors being in NEW YORK.

Good "redince" --that was my word verification for this comment, which seemed appropriate-- I say. Fisher was never overly consistent for us and I like Korver. Plus, we don't need a cheap-shot punk on the Jazz anyway.

mary plus vince said...

i just want to punch him in his face.

what a prick.

Paul said...

Of course he's not going to admit that he did that on purpose, but he had to know a suspension was coming. He looked back way before Scola was there, he knew exactly what he was doing. That was just a dirty cheap shot. It doesn't matter though, he should be the 3rd string point guard on the lakers anyway.